Introduction: Osteoporosis is a progressive disorder of the skeletal system marked by a reduction in bone density and a deterioration of the microarchitecture of bone structure. It is considered the tenth most prevalent disease in the world, and it is more frequent in women aged 50–80 than in men. Many Recent cross-sectional surveys aimed to assess women's general awareness and knowledge of osteoporosis and its prevention. Objectives: The Study aims to assess the knowledge and awareness of osteoporosis among Saudi women. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional research Conducted from July to December 2024. Data for this research collected by using the Osteoporosis Knowledge Assessments Tool (OKAT). The women who included to take part in the research are Saudi women, who are at least 18 years old, but not more than 65. We exclude men as well as women who work or study in healthcare-related jobs. Using the Qualtrics calculator with a 95% confidence level, and 5% margin of error, the minimal number of samples is 384.
Results: In our study on the knowledge and awareness of osteoporosis risk factors among Saudi women, we surveyed 433 participants, revealing alarming gaps in understanding. Only 1.8% demonstrated high awareness, with 62.4% exhibiting low knowledge of osteoporosis risk factors, despite 95.6% acknowledging its link to fractures. Notably, while 43.9% recognized hormone therapy's potential benefits, 47.6% were uncertain. Significant relations were found between knowledge and variables like age, employment status, and information sources. Conclusion: The findings of this study underscore a critical need for enhanced educational initiatives aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness of osteoporosis risk factors among Saudi women. Despite a high level of education within the participant group, the low awareness scores indicate that educational attainment alone is insufficient to ensure understanding of health issues.