The ancient Indian medical text Charaka Samhita introduces the concept of Agraya Dravyas, substances considered superior for treating specific diseases. The Agraya or Agrya is the most superior or best material when it comes to many attributes, functions, and outcomes. Agraya Sangraha, as used in Ayurveda, refers to a grouping of primary or leading components. In Ayurveda, Agraya Ausadhis are used to keep one well and prevent diseases. One hundred fifty two Agraya Aushadhis are mentioned in Charak Samhita Sootrasthana. Agraya Samgraha is mentioned in Ashtanga Hridayam Uttarsthana, and Agraya Aushadhis are mentioned in Astanga Samgraha Sootrasthana. While treating illnesses, Agraya Dravyas are the first medications prescribed. They are affordable, practically safe and easy to use. Agraya Prakarana is primarily contains Ekala Dravyas, as a single medication administered in a single form. In their respective classes of action, the Agraya Dravyas are listed in the classical scriptures of Ayurveda are the best. The fact that Agraya are the greatest medications can be inferred from the fact that they have multiple uses. For example, Erand Moola can treat Vrushya, Vatharanam on its own; this eliminates the need to prescribe two separate medications in order to achieve the desired result. This critical examination aids in the appropriate design of a treatment plan and in prescribing a healthy and unhealthy diet. This article explores Agraya Dravyas, their classification in diffrent Samhitas, examples, and their continued relevance in modern times.